Saturday, August 7, 2010

Once More With Feeling!

Here are some more character sketches, including some details on Roald's facial structure for my own reference. His nose sometimes make me want to amputate it. Although generally, I like drawing noses. XD Especially big ones like his. ....I like big noses. Like Steve Carell? Yeah he's got a great nose. XD
I also really really do enjoy nice thick sexy eyebrows....hurr.
Yeah there's some useful stuff in these sketches and I like how Percy started turning out with the color. He's a fun character to draw, too, but he's a pompous, bloated pig. I've found that characters with pudgy faces are much easier to color though!
You've already met Mona in the previous entry...that poor woman. :(
Reginald will be quite amusing....he's an assistant to Merric Deforge, the Engineer Chairman and Roald's bitter rival (also Merric is my sister's character). Reginand is smart and well mannered but has this great talent to be a dick in the most charming way possible, and often leaves Merric speechless.
Now just to ramble for the sake of doing so. I mentioned Merric being my sister's OC. She's got two being featured in my story. Merric and Marlow. Likewise, Roald, Kearran, and Ophelia all crossover into her story, putting these fantasy characters into a very different setting! It's pretty cool! =D
You can check out her artwork at her deviantart.
Well good night everybody! :D

Monday, August 2, 2010

So here's the first of some preliminary sketches for my webcomic (I'm still working on a title okay?). This woman has a minor role in the story, and I'm terrible to her... I actually feel kinda bad about it too. While her part is small and brief, she also plays a vital role in setting the story in motion... Y'know, I keep having to remind myself not to reveal too much. Must've rewritten this description twice now. ^_^ I drew her smiling because she won't be doing much of that in her scene!
For the record, I'm really glad I strayed even further from anime...


So I got a call from my advisor today! He began the conversation as such...

Him: Hey. I've got some terrible news...
Me: Omg...whaaaat?
Him: Your portfolio passed with a perfect score all across the board.
Me: but what's the bad news?

JUST KIDDING. LOL Agh but yes, I did get a perfect score on my portfolio in all areas. Something my advisor says almost NEVER happens, and he was so excited to tell me. :D So yeah, I'm in a pretty damn good mood today.

I will have some new stuff to post here soon. And I have been working on some preliminary sketches for my webcomic so I'll be sharing those soon as well! :D Keep checking!